What you may do during the Open Enrollment Period: During the Open Enrollment Period (also known as, “OEP”), Medicare beneficiaries have a 1-time option to switch from any Medicare Advantage Plan (“MA Plan”) or Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plan (“MAPD Plan”), to another MA Plan or MAPD Plan. Beneficiaries with either type of Plan may also switch back to Original Medicare during OEP.
Still confused? No problem!! Let’s look at some practical examples of what you may do during OEP.
Example 1: During the Annual Enrollment Period (Oct 15th – Dec 7th, 2023), you enrolled in a MAPD Plan with a particular carrier. At some point between January 1st and March 31st, 2024, you decide that that MAPD Plan is not right for you. The Open Enrollment Period gives you a 1-time opportunity to either change to a different MA Plan or MAPD Plan, as long as you make that change between January 1st and March 31st. During that time period, you may also switch back to Original Medicare.
What you may not do: You can’t switch MA plans more than once; you cannot change a Part D Prescription Drug Plan; and, someone on Original Medicare may not enroll in a MA Plan or a MAPD Plan.
Let’s now look at some examples of what you may not do during OEP:
Example 2: Take a look at Example 1 above, where you switched to a new MAPD Plan during OEP. Assume that after you switched to a new MAPD Plan during OEP, you now are not satisfied with it. Can you switch back to your prior MAPD Plan, or can you switch to a different MAPD Plan? The answer, unfortunately, is “no.” Unless you have a Special Election, you must now wait until the Annual Enrollment Period starts on October 15, 2024, to switch to a new MAPD Plan.
Example 3: Assume that you are currently on Original Medicare. Can you enroll in an MAPD or MA Plan during OEP? The answer is “no.” Unless you have a Special Election, you must wait until the Annual Enrollment Period starts on October 15, 2024.
Example 4: Take a look at Example 1 above, and assume that you switch to a new MAPD Plan during OEP. On April 1st, you decide that you would prefer to go back to Original Medicare. Can you? The answer is “no.” Unless you have a Special Election, you must wait until the Annual Enrollment Period starts on October 15, 2024.
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